Monday, September 19, 2016

Ketchup, Mustard, and Catching Up

"Consider the lilies"

We find ourselves considering the lilies and laugh at our attempts to fashion the world around us. Consider the lilies and know that you are loved.  Kendra and I are completely incompetent at sustaining flowers, but living in Costa Rica has advantages.  We have beautiful flowers along our drive way that grow because it rains, a lot.  Praise God that Kendra hasn't touched them because they would surely die (her words, not mine)!

Toilets breaking, house leaking, vehicle needing new brakes, tired, busy, bored, lonely, content, homesick, frustrated, rainy, dry, and sometimes just out of coffee.... But it's worth it and we don't regret a single day that goes by.  Jesus is moving in our hearts the same as in the ministry He has invited us to be a part of.  Ministry with God starts with God ministering to the minister.   The closer we get to Jesus the closer we get to the cross.  God is surely ministering to us.  We are learning not only how to be missionaries in a foreign country and in a foreign language, but how to be married and love each other more than we did the day before.  We are learning how to argue better and how to disagree and how to compliment each other and how to love each other better.  I love my wife best when I love Jesus first.  Kendra loves me best when she loves Jesus first.  Jesus be the focal point of this person.  

Kendra... loves... running.  Spencer no like running very mucho.  But when I go running I never regret it.  For me running is a hassle, I don't like it, but I never regret doing it.  For me it's running.  What is "it" for you?  Maybe it's cleaning your room, or washing the car, or vacuuming.  We all have certain things that we don't like doing, but always feel good after doing them.  I want to challenge you...
       If you are married, I want you to share your testimony (story of how you came to know Jesus) with your spouse.  If you're not married, share your testimony with a person who has helped you know Jesus. Here are some things you are saying to yourself right now:
- My wife/husband/person already knows my story
- Sure, I'll do it later (just like you said you'd do that one thing that you haven't done yet)
- Keep reading...keep reading... oh, he's like, really wanting me to do this
- What's the point?
        I promise you won't regret it.  
It doesn't have to be complicated.  It doesn't have to be long.  It doesn't have to sound polished like a preachers sermon on Sunday morning at 11:00 traditional service.  

Do it simply.
Do it honestly.
Do it. 

 To make the title relevant, Kendra likes ketchup and I like mustard. Thank you for reading our blog and catching up with us!  Stay tuned for more. 

- Spencer and Kendra Thomas. 

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